I wait for you Sleight of hand and twist of fate.


Scarlet Creative Daylily Cottage - Scarlet Creative
Garden cuddle shack - GOOSE
Mooring deck - GOOSE
My little puppy - 10 - Fawny
Forest Does - Relaxing - Fawny
Forest Does - Observing - Fawny
Forest Does - Walking - Fawny
Forest Does - Couple - Fawny
Forest Does - Resting - Fawny
Forest Does - Curious - Fawny
Cheeky Raccoons-Sleeping - Mutresse
Daytime Backyard Teepee - 7mad;Ravens
Nighttime Backyard Teepee - 7mad;Ravens
Moorside Pathway - [DDD]
Foresty Lantern Stump - [DDD]
Recycled Window Planter - *Funky*Junk*
Plant Wall Ladder - *Funky*Junk*
Marlow Bench - {what next}
old ladder light - [we're CLOSED]
PinkFlowers2{Rounded-Field} - ..:The Little Branch :..
SourwoodCluster{Seasons} -  ..:The Little Branch :..
Tuscan Spring Tree 2 Cherry - Trompe Loeil
Tuscan Spring Archtree Flip Cherry - Trompe Loeil
Tuscan Spring Sitting Tree Cherry - Trompe Loeil
Tuscan Spring Tree 1 Cherry - Trompe Loeil
Tuscan Spring Archtree Cherry - Trompe Loeil
Fallen Bunny Log - JIAN
hazy butterfly - *alirium*
Bunny found a Holly Branch (SnowHoney/Gold) - +Half-Deer+
Bunny made a Lantern (SnowHoney/Blue) - +Half-Deer+
old watering can (steel) - tarte.

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