♪ 'Cause I'm broken When I'm lonesome And I don't feel right When you're gone away You've gone away You don't feel me here, anymore... ♪

Second Spaces

Second Spaces - vulnerability mirror - pewter, cracked


7 - 8f8 - Once Broken and Forgotten - Hatched
08_8f8 - forgotten secrets - old truth
8f8 - Empty Spaces - Buttercups
8f8 - Empty Spaces - It Can be
8f8 - Empty Spaces - Take Me with You
06_8f8 - forgotten secrets - broken beyond repair
05_8f8 - forgotten secrets - broken but mended
8f8 - forgotten secrets - time to break free VIP
22_8f8 - forgotten secrets - key is in the bottle
10 - 8f8 - Once Broken and Forgotten - Key to Freedom
8f8 - Empty Spaces - Look Me Up


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